The Efficacy of Dav?n?’s Philosophical Thought on Mull??adr?’s Opinions on the Issues of Principality, Making and Causation Based on The Theory of Tasting of Theosophy


  • Yazdi Hossein


In three issues there is a feasibility to make a relatedness between ?AllamahDav?n? and Mull??adr?: principality of existence, making and causation. It may be possible to trace Dav?n?’s thought in Mull??adr?’s philosophy from the existence as a single-subsisting matter to the gradation of being, from the absolute being (wujûd-i mu?laq) to the concept of existence, from the existing quiddity being made to the making of the reality of being, and from the inhering existence to the connective being on the issue of causation.

DOI: 10.5901/mjss.2016.v7n3s3p162


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The Efficacy of Dav?n?’s Philosophical Thought on Mull??adr?’s Opinions on the Issues of Principality, Making and Causation Based on The Theory of Tasting of Theosophy. (2016). Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 7(3 S3), 162.