Investigation of the Social Factors Affecting Social Well-being of the Employees Case Study: Department of Education, Ahvaz


  • Mahsa Rahdarzadeh
  • Mahdi Adibisedeh


The present study is an attempt to investigate the social factors affecting public health of employees in the Ahvaz department of education. The required Data were collected through survey methods using self-report questionnaire distributed among a sample of 384 employees in the Ahvaz department of education who were selected through simple random sampling using Cochran formula. The hypotheses of the study were tested through Pearson correlation index, Spearman correlation index, and multivariate regression tests. The results showed that there is a significantly positive relationship between social factors (social support, life satisfaction), and social well-being.

DOI: 10.5901/mjss.2016.v7n3s2p194





How to Cite

Investigation of the Social Factors Affecting Social Well-being of the Employees Case Study: Department of Education, Ahvaz. (2016). Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 7(3 S2), 194.