Western Balkan Integration to EU


  • Shkelzen Imeri
  • Marsela Sako


Performance of candidate countries to EU is assessed as weak and with problems in the function of state institutions, which are considered as the main challenges for the security of Western Balkan and its EU integration. The other problem is the insufficient economic development that has great influence in the Western Balkan security. Countries in the region are faced even with the consequences of this problem like high unemployment, poverty and social tensions. Western Balkan leaders need to take serious initiatives on economic reform, with the goal to increase economic indicators and moreover living standards. EU countries have the necessity to understand the importance of Western Balkan countries for peace and security, simultaneously the need for economic and political assistance for reaching standards. The aim of this article is to give modest ideas for the acceleration of Western Balkan integration process in EU.

DOI: 10.5901/mjss.2016.v7n3s1p164


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Western Balkan Integration to EU. (2016). Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 7(3 S1), 164. https://www.richtmann.org/journal/index.php/mjss/article/view/9096