Measuring the Effectiveness of Zakat Distribution (Case Study of Payment Behavior of Nomads in Sorong, West Papua, Indonesia)
Zakat is one of the social financial sources in Islamic Economics. One of society segment lived in Sorong city, West Papua, Indonesia, is Moslem nomads, which is in this study, categorized as Muzzaki. They have contributed to the BAZNAS (Badan Zakat Nasional) Sorong city. Nevertheless, they still opt to choose the distribution of the fund, either they want to distribute to their origin or Sorong (as they aee work there). The determination of distribution location is a part of their behavior. The main problem proposed in this study is to define whether the behaviors in determine the location of distribution is well justiced. If this behavior accomplished the sense of justice it is supposed support the collection of Zakat in Sorong city. Data presented are collected from the quoestionaire and interviews. Respondents’ backgrounds are variety and they have competency in zakat field. This study is using Islamic Economic Theory approach. Conjunction with the purpose of this study, to measure the sense of justice we use theory construct modeling. We found that from the aspect of their action related to the duty of Zakat in Sorong city is supporting the justice of zakat distribution. Nonetheless, the score of minimum is 62.06% and maximum score is 74.13%, which is less fair.Downloads
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Measuring the Effectiveness of Zakat Distribution (Case Study of Payment Behavior of Nomads in Sorong, West Papua, Indonesia). (2016). Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 7(3), 265.