Gender Dynamics of Drug Problem in Brazil


  • Mukitul Islam
  • Ali Arphan


The purpose of this paper is to identify gender dynamics of drug problem among the female population of Brazil. Given the rising phenomenon of feminization of drug consumption and business, the risk incurred on them is much more than their male counterparts. This study adopts exploratory descriptive research with qualitative technique that includes survey data within Brazilian States. The findings of this study show that the causes of involvement of female drug users are not always same as for men and also its impact within social spectrum of Brazilian society. Beside physical vulnerabilities, breaking down of family, rising prostitution, incarceration are major side effects of drug abuse among females. It also finds out that loopholes within prevention mechanisms not only make women more vulnerable, but also delays the rehabilitation process of the drug users in Brazil. This study suggests that pragmatic role of education, law and religion can be the cornerstone to reduce gender dynamics of drug problems in Brazil.

DOI: 10.5901/mjss.2016.v7n2s1p52


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How to Cite

Gender Dynamics of Drug Problem in Brazil. (2016). Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 7(2 S1), 52.