Local Community´ Perceptions on Tourist Impacts and Associated Development: A Case Study on Sal and Boa Vista Islands


  • Ana María Castillo Canalejo
  • Julia M Núñez Tabales
  • Sandra María Sánchez Cañizares


The local community or residents and their attitudes/ perceptions are a group of essential interest when analyzing and managing the economic, socio-cultural and environmental impact of tourism development in a certain region. This paper analyzes the attitude of the residents of an emerging destination: the islands of Sal and Boa Vista located at the country-archipelago of Cape Verde (Africa), with respect to tourism, using a questionnaire specifically designed for the purpose of this work. Concretely this paper focuses on the perception of any consequences which this might have for the community and personally, and at the same time its influence to contribute to higher levels of development. The touristic development of a particular region requires the interaction of a series of organizations, and within this framework there is no doubt that the inhabitants cannot stand idly by others conduct the process of tourism planning, which is why it is of such importance to understand their perceptions and expectations. The primary results show that the residents of Sal and Boa Vista, in general terms, have their doubts as to whether tourism development as it is currently managed on the islands is beneficial to the local community. Though both islands show a high potential for tourism progress, it is essential to keep the local community involved in the initiatives for this development.

DOI: 10.5901/mjss.2016.v7n1s1p383


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Local Community´ Perceptions on Tourist Impacts and Associated Development: A Case Study on Sal and Boa Vista Islands. (2016). Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 7(1 S1), 383. https://www.richtmann.org/journal/index.php/mjss/article/view/8762