English-French Translation of Igbo Traditional Marriage Items: A Semiotic Approach


  • Asadu Oluchukwu Felicia


Culture is the people’s way of life including their beliefs and customs. Traditional marriage in Igbo land is symbolic because it reflects the Igbo man’s ideology and idiosyncrasies This could be seen in the different gift items brought by the bridegroom to the family of the bride before the bride‘s kindred officially and socially legalize the marriage The items differ slightly from one locality to another and from one Igbo community to another. These cultural items that must be presented on the day of one’s traditional marriage( otherwise called ‘igba nkwu nwanyi ’okuko onye uwa or igbu ewu nna ) by the groom are quiet elaborate and very significant. It is a must in Igbo land that any man who seeks the hand of an Igbo lady in marriage must concur to the provision of such items as they are listed. Alternatively, he could give the money equivalent of the items. The thrust of this paper is to translate the frequently listed items from English to French, analyze them and ex-ray their significance and meaning as they are given and received. The paper also investigates the various stages of traditional marriage in Igbo land precisely in Anambra State.

DOI: 10.5901/mjss.2016.v7n1s1p311


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How to Cite

English-French Translation of Igbo Traditional Marriage Items: A Semiotic Approach. (2016). Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 7(1 S1), 311. https://www.richtmann.org/journal/index.php/mjss/article/view/8752