The Albanian Country, the Institutional and Territory Organisation in the Illyrian Period and during the Principality of “Arbëria”


  • Irvin Faniko
  • Ervin Karamuço


The purpose of this paper is to give an explanation about the historical development of the states’ types established in the territory of Illyria. The methodologies used in this article are the observations in the field of history including also the historic evolution of legal system and its implementation in these states. Albania in antiquity was named Illyria, and bordered to the west by the Adriatic and Ionian Sea, in the north-east of the Alps and the Drava, east of the rivers Danube, Morava and Vardar, south of mainland Greece. Most likely, we are talking about the most ancient civilization residing in the Balkan peninsula, even before the Greeks themselves, even many Illyrian language influences were present in the ancient Greek language. People with Indo-European origin, so preceding Illyrians Helens and were organized in small tribes. Illyrian regime generally ishistoricallyconsidered to be stretched between 1225-165 b.C. Year 1225 b.C., is a hypothetical date and coincides with the year in which historical sources indicate the death of the first Illyrian monarch recognized by us, named the king Ilius. This paper aims to analyze and provide scientific details on the historical period preceding giving statements on the organization and functioning of Albania at the time.

DOI: 10.5901/mjss.2016.v7n1s1p21


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How to Cite

The Albanian Country, the Institutional and Territory Organisation in the Illyrian Period and during the Principality of “Arbëria”. (2016). Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 7(1 S1), 21.