Retail Trade and Retail Chains in Russia and the Kaliningrad Region: From Dynamic Development to Prolonged Recession


  • Oleg N. Bolychev
  • Ivan S. Gumenyuk


The collapse of the Russian stock market, which brought the RTS index almost 45% down in the end of 2014, reaching a minimum value in Russian economic history, was named as a ‘black Tuesday’. Along with the collapse of the currency market and a sharp depreciation of the ruble, the situation led to a radical change in the environment in which the Russian retail trade is operating. Within the frames of this publication the current situation (at the end of 2014) is analyzed and forecast of the industry in the second half of 2015 and thereafter in 2016 is formulated, both for the industries in the Kaliningrad region, and nationwide.

DOI: 10.5901/mjss.2015.v6n6s7p52


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How to Cite

Retail Trade and Retail Chains in Russia and the Kaliningrad Region: From Dynamic Development to Prolonged Recession. (2015). Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 6(6 S7), 52.