Submissions of a Teacher by Modern Russian Pupils


  • Elena A. Azarova
  • Galina N. Zhulina
  • Natalia N. Mozgovaja
  • Elena N. Novokhatko
  • Elena G. Shevyreva


Special attention is paid to the problem of academic motivation both in the Russian, and foreign pedagogical psychology. Importance of its decision is defined by the reason that academic motivation represents a determinant efficiency factor of educational process. The provisions of activity theory of psychological content, functions, mechanism of formation and functioning of motives are the methodological basis of studying of this problem. Authors assume that the important factor connected with motivation of schoolchildren is the personality of a teacher, his professional and personal qualities. In the educational system the issue over how an interest of schoolchildren in the teacher or in his discipline is formed, is always urgent. If the personality of a teacher is interesting, and attractive, he can create also an interest in the discipline. However, if the discipline is initially interesting for the pupil, but the teacher causes negative emotions, the motivation of the schoolchildren starts changing towards decreasing. Ideas of a good teacher of teenagers with different level of academic motivation have become the scope of our research.

DOI: 10.5901/mjss.2015.v6n6s7p18


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How to Cite

Submissions of a Teacher by Modern Russian Pupils. (2015). Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 6(6 S7), 18.