Suppression of Domestic Violence in Croatia-Quo Vadis?


  • Barbara Herceg Pakšić


Domestic violence is a specific form of violence whose suppression is a complex problem. Manifests of the state reactions are different in relation to the prevailing legislative positions on this issue. Studies indicate an increase of this negative behaviour which points out that their control is constantly gaining in importance. The purpose of this paper is to present the legislative positions on domestic violence in the Republic of Croatia. Considering the fact that it has a wide range of modalities it can be directed to different members of the family: children, parents, married and cohabiting partners, the elderly...etc. Respecting the limited scope of this paper, the underlying attitudes of criminal and misdemeanour law against domestic violence are presented. Constant changes regarding the place of this incrimination indicate indecisiveness and caution when it comes to its suppression. Each of the previously existing solution was subjected to numerous complaints from theory and practice. However, deficiencies in the implementation of legal provisions represent major obstacle, followed by the shortcomings in domestic violence victim’s protection.

DOI: 10.5901/mjss.2015.v6n6s5p410


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How to Cite

Suppression of Domestic Violence in Croatia-Quo Vadis?. (2015). Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 6(6 S5), 410.