Russia's Refusal of GMO Use in the Food Industry: Problems and Prospects under the Conditions of Economic Sanctions


  • Elena Vorontsova
  • Andrei Vorontsov


The article represents the authors` attempt to analyze the situation connected with the recent statement of the Russian Federation on refusal from the use of genetically modified products in the food industry. Taking into account the different opinions on this issue, the work studies the causes of transgenic technologies spread in world agriculture and the factors contributing to it. Our study also evaluates the related possible risks for Russia. The authors conclude that even a complete rejection in connection with the use of genetically modified products in food production does not guarantee the security of Russia’s food market. The study focuses on some factors which, according to the authors, are creating strategic opportunities for Russia's refusal to use GMOs. Their position might be of possible interest here in relation to economic sanctions imposed against Russia, according to which, it is sanctions that have largely created the economic, political and legal conditions for adopting the decision not to use GMOs in food products. Welcoming this decision, the authors make predictions regarding its potential prospects. The paper also shows the role and importance of GMOs prohibition in achieving a number of socio-economic goals of the Russian state.

DOI: 10.5901/mjss.2015.v6n6s5p345


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How to Cite

Russia’s Refusal of GMO Use in the Food Industry: Problems and Prospects under the Conditions of Economic Sanctions. (2015). Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 6(6 S5), 345.