Communicative Competence of Specialists of Different Professional Groups


  • Mikhail Bashkin


The article is devoted to the study of communicative competence of specialists. The research urgency is caused by insufficient development of this problem in the science of psychology, as well as the demands of practice indicating the need for a comprehensive research of communicative competence of the individual. Communicative competence of the specialist is understood by the author as a complicated multifunctional entity, having an integrative character and determining the effectiveness of professional activity. The author conducted an empirical research of communicative competence of specialists, representing such professions as doctors and lawyers. In the course of the study, it was founded the ratio of communicative tolerance and communicative control as the most important components of communicative competence of specialists. It is proved that the representatives of the legal profession are focused on the manifestation in their behavior communicative tolerance rather than health care workers. It is revealed that the level of communicative control of a specialist is not a decisive determinant while selecting a leading type of response to the interpersonal conflict. The author found that to a greater extent it is working experience which influences on the choice made by doctors and lawyers of a type of reaction in a conflict situation.

DOI: 10.5901/mjss.2015.v6n6s5p193


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How to Cite

Communicative Competence of Specialists of Different Professional Groups. (2015). Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 6(6 S5), 193.