Intrapersonal ?onflict of a Teacher as a Determinant of his Professional Development


  • Mergalyas Kashapov
  • Svetlana Tomchuk
  • Tatiana Ogorodova


The aim of the research is to study the impact of intrapersonal contradictions of the teacher in his further professional development and self-improvement. The study used the following methods: the method of studying self-assessment; a questionnaire to determine the level of professional pedagogical thinking; "Integrative Anxiety Test"; the method of "Study of Self-concept." It was revealed that teachers with a high level of internal conflict tend to have two opposing fields that characterize a person from the positive side (self-worth, self-leadership, self-confidence) and a negative (self-accusation, closeness). Acquiring professional skills, the level of intrapersonal conflicts of teachers is being increased, although seemingly gained professional experience should give teachers more confidence. The findings suggest the self-criticism of teachers, the conflict between the "I" -Real and "I" –Perfect, developed reflection. To solve their intrapersonal contradictions and conflicts, the teachers mostly use metacognitive strategies of decisions; they have dominated supra-situational level of professional pedagogical thinking. Qualitative analysis of the results of the study revealed a high correlation between intrapersonal conflict and supra-situational level of professional pedagogical thinking leads to the conclusion that it is a highly intrapersonal conflict that is a determinant of professional formation and development of the teacher.

DOI: 10.5901/mjss.2015.v6n6s5p186


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How to Cite

Intrapersonal ?onflict of a Teacher as a Determinant of his Professional Development. (2015). Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 6(6 S5), 186.