The Impact of Meteobaroconditioning on the Parameters of Psycho-physiological State of Students Using Information and Communication Technologies


  • Sergey Ryagin
  • Iskandar Mukhametzyanov
  • Alla Dimova


An inevitable result of the education intensification, its wide informatization and its going out beyond the educational institutions is the progressive reduction of students' health. The educational activities of students outside the institution are currently not controlled by the education authorities, which necessitates not only developing the culture of using the modern information and communication technologies beyond the educational institution in students, but also developing the rehabilitation system for them. The system has to be a controlled one and, therefore, included in the educational process within the educational institution. The paper examines the techniques of meteobaroconditioning which allows ensuring prevention and treatment of meteorotropic reactions based on applying pulse barotraining in condition of day-to-day fluctuations of atmospheric pressure in order to form individually developed protective and adaptive reactions of a "drilling" kind oriented to enhancing the organism resistance and curtailing the pathological reactions.

DOI: 10.5901/mjss.2015.v6n6s5p160


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How to Cite

The Impact of Meteobaroconditioning on the Parameters of Psycho-physiological State of Students Using Information and Communication Technologies. (2015). Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 6(6 S5), 160.