Personality Particularities of Adolescent Probationers under Conditions of Preventive Measures Against Repetitions of Crime


  • Tatiana Rodermel
  • Maya Samoilova
  • Tatiana Mamkina
  • Natalia Hohlova


The paper deals with studying the personal particularities of adolescent probationers as well as with describing the specific character of social and psychological support of such adolescents in order to prevent recurrent crimes. As determined by us, the address object of this paper is a socially neglected adolescent. The character of such minors is formed, as a rule, under the influence of asocial and criminogenic groups. The groups are distinguished by a high extent of perceiving the distortion and destruction of values related to legal sphere, as well as by antisocial behavior and wrongdoings (vagrancy, drugs abuse, drinking, extortion). Such teenagers as a rule have no goal setting in relation to the professional sphere, they are not oriented to work – they have a negative attitude to it and are set to parasitic way of life. The paper presents an experience of using the project form of work in the sequence of which the dynamics of personal development of the ones in ward is outlined. The authors emphasize the fact that psychological support of adolescent probationers has to be performed not only in the direction of preventing the delinquent behavior but also toward the process of their re-socialization. The work is aimed at studying the personal particularities of adolescent probationers.

DOI: 10.5901/mjss.2015.v6n6s5p146


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How to Cite

Personality Particularities of Adolescent Probationers under Conditions of Preventive Measures Against Repetitions of Crime. (2015). Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 6(6 S5), 146.