Challenges of Imprisonment in Afghanistan, the Necessity for Tendency to Alternatives


  • Jafar Kousha
  • Eid Mohammad Ahmadi


This article discussed and explored causes some of the inefficiencies and challenges of prison, jail punishment and its ineffectiveness in preventing recommitting the offenses in Afghanistan. In the section of reasons, the old and the central power of the court, the maximum approach of lawmakers to jail and court predominant use of this punishment has been identified. Health, economic, familial, and social problems, and finally, the problem of population density and a pessimistic view of society to criminal justice system is a consequence of this approach. Finally, the study proposed that policymakers and regulators trying to reform the criminal court, penal policy approach and the use of other sentences (probation, suspension of punishment and alternatives to imprisonment) instead maximum of imprisonment.

DOI: 10.5901/mjss.2015.v6n6s6p148


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How to Cite

Challenges of Imprisonment in Afghanistan, the Necessity for Tendency to Alternatives. (2015). Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 6(6 S6), 148.