Non-Governmental Actors and the Evolution of International Environmental Law (An Overview of the NGOs in Iran)


  • Maryamalsadat Moosavi
  • Jaafar Koosha
  • Sayyed Abbas Pourhashemi
  • Davood Hermidas Bavand


Although International Environmental law is considered as one of the most practicable tools to protect and preserve the environment, this practicability depends on participation of all types of national and international groups and actors. In fact, protecting the environment is only feasible when all groups are involved. This is resulted from its complicated and also extensive nature. Thus, not only at an international level without participation of all groups, governmental and nongovernmental actors, and even civil societies does environmental law remain an intellectual concept, but also at national level cooperation of legal custodian of environment with all part of the society is absolutely necessary in order to protect and preserve the environment. According to international investigations and its conformity with national conditions, existence of NGOs and Civil Societies is an indispensable preliminary fact. However, it will not be an exaggeration, if we claim NGOs in Iran are obsolete compared to other countries. This is mainly resulted from situation of organization in Iran’s legal system. According to the leading role of NGOs in environmental law development, in this study, we focus on legal vacuum regarding their partnership and possible solutions to remove impediments.

DOI: 10.5901/mjss.2015.v6n6s6p46


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How to Cite

Non-Governmental Actors and the Evolution of International Environmental Law (An Overview of the NGOs in Iran). (2015). Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 6(6 S6), 46.