The Historic Legal Development of Albanian Fundamental Charter
This paper is born from the desire to deepen the constitutional evolution in our country: Albania. The constitution is understood as a commune of rules which compose a state legal order. It is based on juristic values like the respect of human dignity and the freedom of individual, put as general principles of activity orientation of civil community. To understand better and in a comprehensive way the complex constitutional system of our country, initially is needed to be analyzed the legal route of its historic evolution, particularly in the light of legal- constitutional importance that has covered in the actual constitutional structure. The main focus of this actual argument is that of the analysis of characteristics of different constitutional Charters and their evolutional processes- being those the Statutes of Constitutional Law, to close with the constitutional order of Fundamental Charter of 1998. The main target of this research is that of the analysis of the constitutional system leaded by the Constitution of 1998. Before we make this, we think that is reasonable to present in chronologic order the most important institutional politic events which have indicated the Albanian constitutional history, being sure that in this way, we can understand the present be looking at the past.Downloads
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How to Cite
The Historic Legal Development of Albanian Fundamental Charter. (2015). Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 6(6 S2), 702.