Students’ Perception of Learning in the Online Discussion Environment


  • Tatiana Krasnova
  • Alexandr Ananjev


Online courses have become a part of academic initiatives to supplement instruction in a blended learning format. They create numerous opportunities for collaborative learning based on learner-centred approach. Asynchronous online discussion forums set an environment developing a sense of community and engaging students in collaborative discussions making them meaningful learning activities. The main benefit of such activities for students is generating new knowledge and sharing it with peers. Online discussions open up new vistas on students’ writing skills and make them exposed to a range of alternative viewpoints. This paper reports about the investigation of asynchronous online discussion efficacy in the learning process. Students’ attitudes and expectations in such type of online collaboration were analyzed in order to present student’s perception of learning in the online discussion environment. The findings of this study indicate certain benefits and positive overall perception though some problems were identified and potential solutions were highlighted.

DOI: 10.5901/mjss.2015.v6n6s1p202


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How to Cite

Students’ Perception of Learning in the Online Discussion Environment. (2015). Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 6(6 S1), 202.