Investigate the Impact of Using Computer on Learning English for Specific Purposes of Management Students of Payame Noor Universities in Kashan


  • Mahdieh Razi
  • Javad Shekarriz
  • Davood Kianoosh
  • Mohammad Solooki


The main purpose of educational technology is to develop, ameliorate, and facilitate the process of learning and teaching. The technology of teaching English is one of the achievements of information and communication technology and in Humanities especially in Management which has its own specified theoretical framework and principles. The present research aimed to investigate the impact of using computer on learning English for specific purposes of management students of Payame Noor Universities in Kashan. The study enjoyed survey correlation method. The population of the study encompassed 741 management students (all disciplines) from Kashan and its suburbs (Kashan, Aran O Bidgol, Barzok, and Ghamsar). From among this population 210 students were singled out by accidental sampling as the main sample. A questionnaire, whose reliability and validity were already corroborated by the experts of management, computer and English, was used to gather data. Cronbach's Alfa was also used to approve the reliability of the questionnaire. To arrive at the answer to the research question of how computers effect English learning of management students at the Universities of Payame Noor, it was ascertained that there were significant interfaces between the investigated variables. The amount of correlation (=0.733) was strong which evinced the fact that computers have a high impact on learning English among the students of management. Paying attention to the results of the present research certifies that IT, communication, and concomitantly attention to English learning/teaching especially English for specific purposes, should be set more intensively in students’ curriculum and educational planning.

DOI: 10.5901/mjss.2015.v6n6s1p151


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How to Cite

Investigate the Impact of Using Computer on Learning English for Specific Purposes of Management Students of Payame Noor Universities in Kashan. (2015). Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 6(6 S1), 151.