Scientific Motivation of Young Scientists of Higher Educational Institutions (Engaged in Sociological Research)


  • Sofiya Malkaidarovna Duisenova


The purpose of the present article is to carry out conceptual and empirical analysis of the scientific motivation of young people of the Republic of Kazakhstan. In this article we showed the effectiveness of international experience, the effectiveness of science policy. The results of sociological research on the scientific motivation of students in higher educational institutions illustrate the desire of young bachelors and masters to improve their professional status, that is mostly connected with the desire to improve their social status in the society. However, this aspiration is complicated by the objective and subjective difficulties. The objective difficulties include the following: the lack of research funding in the country – both by the Ministry of Education and the Scientific Foundations (mainly "Samruk Kazyna"); the lack of national funds that finance scientific research; low wages for young scientists; insufficient number of grants for doctoral studies; inability to make a payment to pursue doctoral studies. Subjective difficulties include the following: the lack of sufficient scientific potential, the lack of young scientists, undeveloped grant rising and fond rising activities for students to have an opportunity to participate in competitions arranged by international scientific foundations and institutions, poor knowledge of a foreign language, which does not allow using various methodological foreign sources and foreign experience to the full extent. For the further formation of students' sustained motivation for research activities it is necessary to create certain conditions: to stimulate scientific activity of Kazakhstan and foreign scientific funds by means of special government programs (research projects, competitions) on support of the talented young scientists; to increase the prestige of university research; to solve social problems of young scientists.

DOI: 10.5901/mjss.2015.v6n6s1p26


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How to Cite

Scientific Motivation of Young Scientists of Higher Educational Institutions (Engaged in Sociological Research). (2015). Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 6(6 S1), 26.