Pull and Push Factors of Indonesian Women Migrant Workers from Indramayu (West Java) to Work Abroad


  • Muhammad Iqbal
  • Yuherina Gusman


This study aims to determine the pull factors and the factors driving women Indramayu choose to work abroad. This study was conducted with a qualitative approach, data collection was done by interviewing stakeholders related to migration including village heads, parents, community leaders and former workers in the form of focus group discussion (FGD). These results indicate that female workers migrate for Indramayu have three (3) first driving factor is the economic factor is the main factor is the driving factor for women from Indramayu workers to work abroad. This is because the high level of poverty and the difficulty of getting jobs with adequate wages. The second is the social factor that drives Indramayu women workers to work abroad the ability to raise the social status with increasing economic capacity. In the context of a more micro to work abroad to be an attempt to equalize the social position of women for their contribution to the household economy. The position of women can be lifted by the success in the attempt at the destination. Culture is the third factor of this study indicate that migrate to the citizens of Indramayu has been entrenched and occurred for generations, especially families urge parents were the factors most encourage women migrate abroad. Perception of girls as an asset that can generate money is one factor that causes many women in Indramayu working as migrant workers abroad and cultural. Pull factor is Indramayu female workers to work abroad work abroad which tend to be lighter than in the country or at least equal to the salary of a much larger, culture-friendly destination, availability of jobs and the process is relatively quick departure. The current tendency of women migrant workers indramayu who go abroad are female single / not married, so the pull factor for them to work abroad that is an opportunity to add to the experience, learning a foreign language, a walk out of the country and often the reason want to continue their education into a whip of encouragement for them to work abroad.

DOI: 10.5901/mjss.2015.v6n5s5p167


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Pull and Push Factors of Indonesian Women Migrant Workers from Indramayu (West Java) to Work Abroad. (2015). Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 6(5 S5), 167. https://www.richtmann.org/journal/index.php/mjss/article/view/7893