On the Legal Status of Members of Parliaments of Countries of the Asian-Pacific Region


  • Victor Afanasevich Shekhovtcov
  • Iana Vladimirovna Polivoda


In recent years modern science of the constitutional law focuses special attention on parliamentarism problems. It is caused by the special role of parliament in socio-political life and also by complexity and contradictoriness of separate parliamentary institutes’ development. The article considers such categories as constitutional and legal status of a parliament’s member and a deputy’s mandate and also their correlation at implementation of parliamentarian’s activity. The control, representative and legislative powers of a deputy are members of active discussion. New political and economic conditions, a deputy’s mandate evolution, a need of the organization improvement and activity of parliaments, deputies predetermine necessity and importance of the comparative legal research of various aspects of parliamentary experience of the Asian- Pacific region’s countries. The further study, the account and efficient borrowing of positive experience of the legal regulation of the different status sides of parliamentarians and effective practice of their work will promote parliamentarism’s development and parliaments’ activity optimization.

DOI: 10.5901/mjss.2015.v6n5s3p57


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How to Cite

On the Legal Status of Members of Parliaments of Countries of the Asian-Pacific Region. (2015). Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 6(5 S3), 57. https://www.richtmann.org/journal/index.php/mjss/article/view/7744