Russian Learned Elite to Search New Development Purport


  • Paul L. Karabushenko
  • Arushan А. Vartumyan
  • Tatiana A. Shebzukhova
  • Igor N. Bobrovsky


According to the post-industrialism theory, scientific knowledge will be the most valuable thing and the meritocracy (the learned elite) will be the main steering force in the information society. Today we live in the scientific knowledge world we exist in the information flow penetrating us. This is high-quality knowledge that a human being depends on in an increasing extent. Thus, the role of the learned elite increases manifold. The learned elite produce knowledge, the society and authority produce information. Knowledge belongs to ascience, information is possessed by the people outside. The cult of scientific knowledge is basic for the present-day learned elite. Geniuses of science with their authority have replaced the sanctified people’s power. However, the there is no conflict between the clerical and the secular world owing to delimitation of spheres of influence and authority.

DOI: 10.5901/mjss.2015.v6n5s2p529


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How to Cite

Russian Learned Elite to Search New Development Purport. (2015). Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 6(5), 529.