Combined Development of Speed and Strength Qualities of the Weightlifters


  • Viktor Ivanovich Zhukov
  • Anatolii Mikhailovich Doronin
  • Alii Ruslanovich Mamii


In the issue of sports skills improvement, application of various training machines appears to be promising, since they ensure interrelated upgrade of various motor skills increasing the efficiency of exercise lessons without a significant increase in average loads. Opportunities for optimal adjustment of the exercising conditions appeared to the maximum extent with application of a training machine with variable resistance modes. A comparative analysis of the dynamic and kinematic characteristics of barbell presses on the machine discovered that all parameters characterizing the strength display degree and structure, its duration, barbell motion speeds in the various trajectory points, are subject to changes. The obtained experimental data show that the results in snatches, clean and jerks, and the combined total increased statistically significantly. An average increment of the back strength in the control group amounted to 15.0 kg; and in the experimental group, where the control action machine was applied, it was equal to 26.7 kg. The barbell speed change values during the power clean in the experimental and control groups show that the average gain in the maximum speed in the experimental group amounted to 0.15 m/sec, and in the control group—0.04 m/sec. A comparison of the obtained data allows drawing the conclusion, that application of the control action machine in the training process produces a significant impact on the strength and speed parameters. Performance of the jerk exercises on a machine with variable resistance modes and primarily with the application of modes when the load is decreased as the barbell motion speed is increased, fully meets the requirements of the combined development method and observes the “dynamic conformance” principle.

DOI: 10.5901/mjss.2015.v6n5s2p151


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How to Cite

Combined Development of Speed and Strength Qualities of the Weightlifters. (2015). Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 6(5), 151.