The Jinn, Devil and Satan: A Review on Qur’anic Concept


  • Ahamad Asmadi Sakat
  • Muhammad Masruri
  • Jawiah Dakir
  • Wan Nasyrudin Wan Abdullah


Public beliefs in the spirits vary widely and not totally in full conformity with the guidance of the revelation. This issue forces may have on human lives is an area concerning which there are many myths and superstitions and there is no storage of charlatans who will dupe people by offering remedies and protection at the cost of wealth and more seriously of their faith. The Qur’an has explained the nature of the righteous is to believe in the unseen, such as jinn, devil and Satan. Therefore, this study focused on the analysis of Islamic scholars about them. Hence, this study found three opinions on the existence of jinn; i) They have potential negative to invite people towards ugliness, ii) As a virus or germ and not obliged to act by religiously responsible, iii) As a wild who has not been civilized. The study further found that Al-Jann is the father of jinn and created from fire. They are like human beings some of them are fear of Allah and also rebellious. The devil is the father of Satan and created from fire. Both are being disobedient and do not want to prostrate to God, and always lead mankind astray. All the three are covered and hidden from human eyes view.

DOI: 10.5901/mjss.2015.v6n5s1p540





How to Cite

The Jinn, Devil and Satan: A Review on Qur’anic Concept. (2015). Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 6(5), 540.