Role of ICT on Marketing Agricultural Crops (Date) from View Point of Agriculture Experts (Case Study of Khuzestan Province)


  • Mohamad Kamal Ebrahimi Filouri
  • Azita Zand
  • Mohammad Mohammadi


This research examines the effective role of ICT on marketing agricultural crops. This is applied research and the methodology is descriptive-correlation. Statistical society of this research is all agriculture experts being experienced in the field of marketing date at Khuzestan province. Results of correlation between individual and occupational properties of experts by supplying and selling date shows that there is positive significant relationship between organizational position, education, service record, date culturing, date business and satisfaction of budget allocated to ICT sector for selling date. Results of correlation between individual and occupational properties of influential experts in date market shows that there is positive significant relationship between organizational position, email, weblog, date culturing, date business and satisfaction of budget allocated to ICT sector for selling date. Results of correlation between individual and occupational properties of experts with reducing cost of producing and selling date shows that there is positive significant relationship between age, organizational position, field of study, service record, email, weblog, date culturing and date business with reducing cost of producing and selling date. Results of multi variable regression show that the variables including: service record, organizational position, education and being informed of support rules, nearly describes 34% changes of dependant variable.

DOI: 10.5901/mjss.2015.v6n5s1p98


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How to Cite

Role of ICT on Marketing Agricultural Crops (Date) from View Point of Agriculture Experts (Case Study of Khuzestan Province). (2015). Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 6(5), 98.