The Tourist-Recreational Potential of the Lipetsk Region: Problems and Prospects


  • Vladimir Nikolaevich Pishchulin


The article considers the problem of the tourist and recreational potential of Lipetsk Region. Tourism development, acting as a tool for wellness of the nation, contributes to reproduction of human capital, plays an important role in solving social and economic problems, in creating additional jobs in the region. The article provides an assessment of the tourism and recreational potential of Lipetsk Region, highlights the main tourist clusters, problems and prospects of tourism development in the area. In current economic and ecological environment social and demographic situation in the region is exacerbating. Lipetsk region needs breakthrough development in tourism and recreational areas as well as service industry. As the means of increasing the number of tourist arrivals, promotion of national tourist product in the international and domestic tourism markets and further development of tourist and recreational areas of Lipetsk region, the article suggests further capital construction and modernization of tourism infrastructure; subsidization of loan interest rates; development of training and retraining system; using innovative technologies in the field of tourist services quality management; creating an integrated automated information system to support development of inbound and domestic tourism, placing information and image materials and programs on tourism opportunities in Russia as a whole and the region in particular; implementation of a further event to promote the tourism product in the region of Russia and in foreign countries; and also hold business conferences, forums and exhibitions on constituent territory of the Russian Federation. Implementation of above mentioned measures will allow effective tourism development in Lipetsk region which is sufficient for human capital reproduction.

DOI: 10.5901/mjss.2015.v6n4s4p260


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How to Cite

The Tourist-Recreational Potential of the Lipetsk Region: Problems and Prospects. (2015). Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 6(4), 260.