Study of Hereditary Transmission of Papillary Patterns


  • Vasily Yarovenko


The paper considers the historically considered scientific disputes by various authors about the hereditary transmission of papillary pattern. A dermatoglyphic study now revealed the existence of the general laws pass those traits are inherited. The children are dominated by the same elements papillary pattern (loops, spirals or arc) as the parents. In combinations of patterns on the fingers, most children have a parent forms, but their nature and frequency for each finger is different. The twins, brothers or sisters have the same types of graphics for all your fingers, but they are significantly different parameters such as crests through, shape, symmetry, slope, etc. Random probability of a similar match negligible. In heritance of dermatoglyphic traits allows them to be used in determining paternity, determining the identity of the deceased to his close relatives, also create likely search forensic model of offender. The author justified conclusion on the continuation of the research methods of system types of papillary pattern, and their ratio on your fingers, form and other type of dermatoglyphic features for more information about the subject.

DOI: 10.5901/mjss.2015.v6n4s3p264


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How to Cite

Study of Hereditary Transmission of Papillary Patterns. (2015). Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 6(4), 264.