Russian Speech in Kalmykia: History and Current State


  • Tamara Sarangovna Esenova


The article deals with the problems of Russian speech culture at the example of Republic of Kalmykia, one of the national constituents of the Russian Federation. The history of appearance, development, functioning and current state of Russian language, the state language of Russian Federation, is successively traced in the article at the example of Kalmykia. The article shows that the Kalmyks' level of Russian language proficiency depends on human factors, first of all, on age. The impact of naive language in Russian colloquial speech of Kalmyk of the aged generation is felt to the fullest extent. Russian colloquial speech of the middle and younger generations is in keeping with general tendencies, typical of Russian colloquial speech in whole.

DOI: 10.5901/mjss.2015.v6n4s2p456


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How to Cite

Russian Speech in Kalmykia: History and Current State. (2015). Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 6(4), 456.