The Rejuvenation of Equivalence Paradigm in Literary Texts: Equimediation as the Seul et Alleiniges Paradigm in Translation


  • Alireza Akbari
  • Mohammadtaghi Shahnazari


Currently, conferring a durable and fix definition of “Equivalence” is a drudgery task and activity in Translation Studies (TS). That is owing to the fact that the former demarcations substantiate as unworkable, unexploitable, and inefficient in this area. Equivalence in TS is a cardinal facet which needs to be paid much more heed. To ratify the essence of equivalence in translation, some paradigms vulgarized for their functionality. Paradigms such as Equivalence, Purpose, and Description are the core ones in the intended field. On the flipside, their fame never continue to exist so as to verify the very nature of equivalence. This is due to the fact that these paradigms did not work well on the whole facets of equivalence. The present study seeks to investigate on one fresh paradigm in equivalence known as Equimediation Paradigm (EP). This paradigm is made of five major phases as Strong Equivalents (SE), Weak Equivalents (WE), Brittle Equivalents (BE), Degree of Intensity (DI), and Degree of Occurrence (DO) to show its feasibility and speakability of the concealed rationale behind the literary text. In the circle of translation, translator is treated as a robust mediator in order to interlink the source rationality to the target one. Equimediation paradigm spies out the void and x-areas in TS to substantiate the vital particularities of equivalence in diverse fields. As time elapses, Equimediation Paradigm seeks to peruse Source-Target Reconciliation and Deep-Surface Layer of language so that the translator can meet the needs of the source-target reader as part of the team in this paradigm.

DOI: 10.5901/mjss.2015.v6n4s2p438


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How to Cite

The Rejuvenation of Equivalence Paradigm in Literary Texts: Equimediation as the Seul et Alleiniges Paradigm in Translation. (2015). Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 6(4), 438.