Negotiating Styles in Situation of Limited Resources and Ambiguity: “Short” and “Long” Communications


  • Svetlana Dzakhotovna Gurieva
  • Ulyana Andreyevna Udavikhina


Success of our cooperation with other people may depend on various factors: whether we have experience in negotiations or not, personal traits of negotiating parties, knowledge and skills in the most effective tactics and strategies of negotiation, ability to understand “body language” of opponents at various levels and in various situations: from game to reality. This article gives test results of business game, which aim was to study balance between verbal and nonverbal communications and styles of negotiations, and how these styles influence the efficiency of negotiation process and results. The results of this research may indicate that observation of verbal and nonverbal channels deepens the negotiation process. In general, it was noticed that in situations of stress and lack of understanding participants mostly preferred “short” communications.

DOI: 10.5901/mjss.2015.v6n4s2p109





How to Cite

Negotiating Styles in Situation of Limited Resources and Ambiguity: “Short” and “Long” Communications. (2015). Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 6(4), 109.