Speciality of Relationship between Turkey and Palestine


  • Wan Kamal Mujani
  • Ahmed Y.M. Alahmed
  • Eeman Mohammed Abbas


The Turkish policy toward the Palestinian Cause relies on a number of considerations and bases, some of which have a historical dimension which extends to more than four centuries, that is, since the victory of the Ottomans over the Mamluks in the Marj Dabiq Battle in 1516. Some other considerations relate to the big civilization depth among the people of Turkey and those of Palestine. Further, there are mutual historical, religious and cultural bonds between the two peoples. What adds to all this is the great concern of the Turkish people for the Palestinian Cause especially that which concerns the Islamic holy places. Such concern can also be related to the Turks’ attempt to politically lead and play a role in the region especially within the leadership vacuum in the Islamic World and the absence of the leading Islamic State which could adopt the nation’s causes and concerns. Some of such Turkish considerations and bases could relate to the Turkish interests in the Arabic region as a whole, something that forms a big incentive for Turkey to direct its concerns and activities toward the Arabic East and develop its economic interests in the region.

DOI: 10.5901/mjss.2015.v6n4s1p554


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Speciality of Relationship between Turkey and Palestine. (2015). Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 6(4), 554. https://www.richtmann.org/journal/index.php/mjss/article/view/7042