Future Teachers’ Attitude to the Security Problem and Counter Terrorism


  • Svetlana A. Mukhina
  • Irina S. Zimina
  • Olga V. Polozova
  • Maria N. Gavrilova
  • Valentina V. Bakhtina


The relevance of the theme under study is determined by the problem of ensuring stability and security of the society through young people’s attitude to terrorism. The human community must be able to protect a person’s world outlook, educational, scientific and cultural needs that determine a person’s existence and mental world. One of the key trends in the fight against extremist and terrorist acts in the social environment is their prevention. It is especially important to carry out such preventive measures among young people. The rising generation appears to be the most unprotected category of the population susceptible to the influence of xenophobia destroying traditional values of national cultures and religions which is in a peculiar kind of a spiritual and axiological vacuum. 79 students of 1-5 years of study at the age of 17 - 22 were questioned according to the test-questionnaire ‘Young people’s attitude to terrorism’. Almost all respondents (95%) confirmed that terrorism is dangerous for the society and the problem really exists. Most respondents distinguish such qualities as cruelty, mercenariness, quick temper, and instability when describing a terrorist’s portrait. When analyzing major reasons why people become terrorists, the students gave the first place to striving to feel power over people. Among other important reasons that influence a terrorist’s personality development, they stated commitment to a certain ideology and striving to achieve material wealth. We need an integral system of terrorism prevention including, among other things, its pedagogical foundations.

DOI: 10.5901/mjss.2015.v6n3s7p405





How to Cite

Future Teachers’ Attitude to the Security Problem and Counter Terrorism. (2015). Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 6(3 S7), 405. https://www.richtmann.org/journal/index.php/mjss/article/view/6889