Russia and the USA: An Axplanation of Necessity of Sanctions as Participants of the World Trade Organization
The analysis of consequences of the introduction of the Russian Federation in the World Trade Organization (WTO), first of all in agricultural aspect is carried out. The question of provision of food safety of the Russian Federation in a context of an estimation of consequences of accession to WTO is researched. It is shown that the expected effect of joining to the WTO has as a whole negative connotation, especially with reference to agrarian sphere of economy that proves to be true the historical data characterising consequences of accession to WTO of the state nearest to Russia - Ukraine. After occurrence in a railroad train of the WTO production of some names of agricultural goods has decreased and in such areas as sugar production - is considerable. Considering similarity of considerable number of economic realities in Russia and in Ukraine, it is possible to assume that joining to the WTO will have for Russia more likely negative a consequence than positive at average and long-term prospect while in near-term prospect to estimate all consequences it is represented inconvenient. At the same time there is also an opposite point of view that joining to the WTO will give Russia a conclusive economic prize, including, in agrarian industry. The clause is devoted an actual problem for today of economic sanctions by pushed participants of the World Trade Organization - the USA and Russia. In the clause the problem urgency is proved. Necessity of sanctions is specified from the United States of America and response measures of the Russian Federation are designated.Downloads
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How to Cite
Russia and the USA: An Axplanation of Necessity of Sanctions as Participants of the World Trade Organization. (2015). Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 6(3 S7), 275.