Analysis of Enterprise Sustainability and Control of Efficiency of Cattle-Breeding Enterprise Functioning


  • B.N. Shchetkin


Under conditions of development of market relations, when resources’ provision of each market subject depends on the efficiency of economy, the increase of economic effectiveness becomes a primary task. The main parameters of functioning efficiency in modern conditions are stable state of enterprises in the markets and adapting the systems of production and management in a dynamic external environment. A basis of the system of internal control of enterprise functioning efficiency is technical, ecological, and economic information about its activity. The control procedure is conducted on the basis of the author’s algorithm of evaluation of technical and eco-economic parameters which allow determining their efficiency during realization of ecological and economic programs of cattle-breeding enterprises; determining the order and sequence of operations in planned situation, and in case of deviations from permissible values – informing about the control results for timely decision making which removes these deviations.

DOI: 10.5901/mjss.2015.v6n3s6p101


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How to Cite

Analysis of Enterprise Sustainability and Control of Efficiency of Cattle-Breeding Enterprise Functioning. (2015). Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 6(3 S6), 101.