Symbolic Meaning of Agate Stone as a Local Knowledge of Agate Fans Community for Learning Resource Development of Social Studies


  • Agus Suprijono


Research focus on agate symbolic meaning for fans and how they act on the meaning of it. Does the construction of agate symbolic meaning as the sociology of knowledge can be developed for learning resource of social studies ? The purpose of research is to find the relevance between agate symbolic meaning and the concepts of subject matter in social studies so that they can be developed for learning resource of social studies. The method used is phenomenology. The analysis technique used is Miles and Huberman models. The results of the study are agate symbolic meaning as esotericism and exoteric phenomenon. Agate esotericism phenomenon related to the function of fetish. Agate exoteric phenomenon related to the function for accessories. Agate amulets worn by the fans for the sake of power, dignity, leadership, and authority. This action is magic. Agate accessories associated with symbols of modernity. Agate is physically associated with the type of rock and rock characteristics. Agate symbolic meaning has scope sociology, geography, and anthropology, so agate can be developed into a theme for learning social studies as an integrated lesson.

DOI: 10.5901/mjss.2015.v6n3s1p527


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How to Cite

Symbolic Meaning of Agate Stone as a Local Knowledge of Agate Fans Community for Learning Resource Development of Social Studies. (2015). Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 6(3 S1), 527.