The Prerequisites for the Formation and Development of the Regional Market of Consulting Services in the Oil-Producing Regions of Russia


  • Galina N. Larionova
  • Elena Y. Girfanova
  • Alsu M. Khismatullina
  • Raniya R. Mulyukova
  • Sergey V. Kiselev


The economy of modern oil-producing regions is characterized by the accelerated growth of industrial production volumes, the number of created and established industrial companies, relatively high activity of small business, high level of investment attractiveness of the region, infrastructure, rapidly evolving social sphere. The most dynamic sector of the regional economy is the sector of oil-producing industries of the economy, historically developed in the region on the basis of the proven oil fields. It is obvious that the increased competition on the market of oil production with an objective necessity requires activation of such factor of its minimization as consulting. In addition, the need to improve business efficiency makes small oil companies seek the assistance of a consulting firm to search for qualified specialists, to optimize tax payments, develop marketing and advertising campaigns. In other words, the increase in the number of enterprises, their distribution on the territory of the region directly affects the development of the consulting services field. Consequently, big consulting companies are concentrated in oil-producing regions. The article describes the main economic and organizational/managerial prerequisites for activating the market of consulting services in the oil-extracting sector of the economy of the region, including the intensification of the regional production clusters, the formation and development of small upstream companies focused on oil extraction in inefficient and poorly established fields with the use of modern technologies, a high level of scientific-technical and educational potential of large urban agglomerations and several others. The article is intended for students studying methods of conducting marketing research on the market of consulting services, teachers of the "Marketing in services sector", "Consulting" disciplines, as well as for marketing experts and managers of consulting companies working out strategies for their development in the oil-producing regions of Russia.

DOI: 10.5901/mjss.2015.v6n2s3p169


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How to Cite

The Prerequisites for the Formation and Development of the Regional Market of Consulting Services in the Oil-Producing Regions of Russia. (2015). Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 6(2 S3), 169.