Modernization of Albanian Totalitarian Nature – Pattern’s Survey of Modernity in Ideology and Practice of the Stalinist State in Albania


  • Sofokli Meksi


This aim of this study is to identify the elements of Modernity of nature, ideology, and the practice of Albanian state during the period 1944-1991. The central hypothesis in the author’s view is the identification the Albanian Stalinist System as an alternative form of modernization. In this perspective, the cause of existence, the nature and the historical experience of the Albanian Stalinist System are products of formative processes of European Modernity. The methods used by the author is by putting the phenomena in a comparative context in both international and historical, therefore to emphasize the commonalities and particularities between the Albanian Stalinist State and European Modern States and also a comparison between Albanian Satlinist state and early state forms in Albania. This comparative view is extended in different aspects like state’s ideology, it’s form and practices. This study initiates with a fundamental concept of modernity and its basic features, proceeds with the identification of Stalinism as modernizing/progressive model and concludes with reveling the modernizing elements of the Albanian Stalinist regime.

DOI: 10.5901/mjss.2015.v6n2s1p506


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How to Cite

Modernization of Albanian Totalitarian Nature – Pattern’s Survey of Modernity in Ideology and Practice of the Stalinist State in Albania. (2015). Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 6(2 S1), 506.