The Controlling Process of the Human Capital through the Effective Redistribution of the General Welfare


  • V.M. Zubakov
  • A.N. Mustafin


The controlling process of the human capital during the globalization of the world processes in the innovative development in the economy requires from all the economies an overall approach to tackling the general welfare in their countries. The progressive development of the society in general and innovation processes inside of the economic systems in particular depends on that. We come to a new understanding of the general welfare on that case: the best way of the achieving the general welfare won’t be the marginal efficiency of the gain of the individual (personal well-being), but it will be the effective limit of the benefit of the society (general welfare).

DOI: 10.5901/mjss.2015.v6n1s3p270


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How to Cite

The Controlling Process of the Human Capital through the Effective Redistribution of the General Welfare. (2015). Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 6(1 S3), 270.