Humanitarization Geographic Education in Universities


  • R.I. Gaisin
  • S.V. Beketova
  • E.I. Vlasova
  • G.F. Sharapova


This article discusses the structure of science. Highlighted border integration and cross-cutting areas. Considered the most important priorities of the Russian geographical education; humanization, aimed at the development of common cultural components in the content of education in the formation of personality; humanization, expressed by an emphasis on personal factors, the social aspects of the development of society; sociologization, object of study is sociosphere - a set of geographic and socio-economic factors, with increased attention to the social aspects of development; greening, reflecting spatial processes and forms of organization of the productive forces, in order to optimize and improve production efficiency; regionalization, promoting deeper identifying the structure, function, increased understanding of the regions, the study and development of a geographical approach to the management of the region; greening, characteristic of the whole complex of geographical sciences dealing with the interaction of society and nature. Presents the contribution of prominent scientists-geographers: V.M.Maksakovskogo - his recommendations for the Study of the greening of industry and spatial aspects; YD Demetrius, releasing a comprehensive study of the major issues of geo-ecological problems; A.M.Trofimova, MD Sharygina on the role of general geography - basic science, which considers all aspects of the development of an integrated system of "nature-economy-population" in the space-time aspect, as well as trends in long-term development of geographical education. The contribution of scientists CFI and the Institute of Ecology and Mineral Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan in the environmental mapping.

DOI: 10.5901/mjss.2015.v6n1s3p131


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How to Cite

Humanitarization Geographic Education in Universities. (2015). Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 6(1 S3), 131.