The Paradigmatic Group of the Borrowings in the Modern Albanian Language from Greek


  • Sofia Delijorgji
  • Isida Foci


Borrowing is one of the commonly known language processes and phenomena. It is determined by intra- and extralinguistic factors. Lexical and semantic subsystem is more open to this process, and word is the language unit which is borrowed easier and faster. This is obvious even in the borrowings of the Albanian language from Greek. Borrowings enter the language in different ways, forms and at different times. They show that nations which have developed linguistic exchanges have had common borders or historical, cultural or economic relations. The process of borrowing contributes to the enrichment of a certain language. Anyway, unlimited and uncontrolled borrowing turns into a harmful phenomenon for our language, especially when the discourse or the lexical layer of the general use is filled with foreign words.

DOI: 10.5901/mjss.2014.v5n27p1628


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How to Cite

The Paradigmatic Group of the Borrowings in the Modern Albanian Language from Greek. (2014). Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 5(27 P3), 1628.