Social Justice a Crucial Factor in the Social Equality


  • Xhabir Zejnuni


Nowadays everywhere we talk about justice and social equality and this fact imposes on us first of all to have clear ideas about security, welfare, politics, differences, multiculturalism, knowledge and virtues of anyone. Social justice is one of the most important factors that legitimize social, economic and political orders. It is very important to prove the link between social justice and human dignity, which is expressed entirely under the concept of social equality. However, the issue of social justice is closely linked to the phenomenon of inequality created by unequal distributions of various resources between individuals and between different social groups. The use of term “social justice” dates back to the mid-nineteenth century, which coincides with the intensification of the processes of industrialization and democratization. Social equality is a contemporary legal-political key concept and express values, ideas, normative principles, objectives and criteria of justice. The major issue about social equality is that it is greatly proclaimed and expressed in constitutional cards, but on the other hand it actualizes with difficulties in everyday life. For this reason, many questions arise, such as: what does usually express the term equality; do the natural diversities between people constitute restrictions, or are resources in the interest of community; how social diversity should be managed to protect the dignity of every human being? Justice must coincide with the legality, or as argued by many with the equality. Social justice is the basis of social equality. Consequently, there can be no social equality if there is no preliminary social justice. Social justice influences social equality between the sexes, between different ethnic groups, between different age groups, between individuals with different cultural backgrounds, etc. Equality can be of various types: economic, political (horizontal and vertical), formal or substantive, options, etc.

DOI: 10.5901/mjss.2014.v5n27p1275


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How to Cite

Social Justice a Crucial Factor in the Social Equality. (2014). Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 5(27 P3), 1275.