Model of Sustainable Development of the Region


  • N.K. Gabdrakhmanov
  • V.A. Rubtzov
  • M.R. Mustafin
  • O.V. Pratchenko


Assessment and analysis of the main characteristics of the socio-economic development of regions are among the most important ones that allow to solve strategic issues of the choice of optimal solutions in the sphere of regional governance and development prospects. As a rule, the division of groups and corresponding to them types (classes) of districts, each of which has significant, qualitative differences, is the result of such studies. Such division into groups objectively exists in any regional system, regardless of the level of organization. We offer to consider adaptation changes of the integral potential capacity, which includes essential components, such as natural resources, production, social units, assessment of their compliance with each other, as one of the variants of the possible approach for the balanced territorial development and performance of territorial systems.

DOI: 10.5901/mjss.2014.v5n24p393


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How to Cite

Model of Sustainable Development of the Region. (2014). Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 5(24), 393.