A Survey of Care And Support for the Elderly People in Nigria


  • A.D. Shofoyeke
  • P A Amosun


The study examined care and support for the elderly people in Nigeria. A questionnaire for assessing level of awareness of care and support, nature of occupation and challenges facing elderly people was developed, validated and reliability coefficient found to be 0.75. The questionnaires were administered to 684 principals, head teachers, education administrators and planners in four out of six geo-political zones in Nigeria. A state was randomly selected from each geo-political zone for administration of the questionnaires. These states are Bayelsa, Imo, Kogi and Lagos for South-South, South-East, North-Central and South-West geo-political zones respectively. The quantitative data generated from the questionnaires were analysed using percentages and Chi-square statistics. The study found that overall, men were more aware of elderly persons living close to them than women did however there were variations in the four geo-political zones. There was no significant relationship between male and female knowledge of where elderly people live. Respondents indicated that elderly persons 225 live with their children, 154 live with extended family, 104 live alone, while 28 live in few missions and government elderly people’s homes. Furthermore, elderly persons engaged in different occupation for living which the study found that 210 are self-employed, 177 care for children, 115 are employed by individuals, 77 engaged in politics while 42 said they beg for alms. The study also found that most elderly people have no access to portable water, decent accommodation and hence live in poor environment especially in the rural areas and urban slums. In addition, government at all levels have no clear welfare programme for the elderly people, no elderly age security, subsidized health services, adequate elderly age people home among others. Besides, children neglect them due to poverty caused by unemployment and underemployment and to some extent beliefs that elderly persons are withes and wizards. The paper recommends that governments at all levels should develop lasting and beneficial economic and welfare programmes for the elderly. Non- governmental organizations should also be encouraged to develop welfare, skill and economic programmes to aid elderly while good communual and customary family support practices be encouraged and sustained. Furthermore, policy on elderly people be enacted and implemented by all the stakehelderlyers.

DOI: 10.5901/mjss.2014.v5n23p2553


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How to Cite

A Survey of Care And Support for the Elderly People in Nigria. (2014). Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 5(23), 2553. https://www.richtmann.org/journal/index.php/mjss/article/view/4820