Predict Life Satisfaction Based on the Positive – Oriented Psychology Structure between Students of Islamic Azad University of Tehran: A Structural Equation Model
The aim of this study is to predict life satisfaction based on the positive –oriented psychology structure between students of Islamic Azad University of Tehran. Researcher selected a sample size of 348 using Cochran formula, and he selected these individuals based on cluster sampling from 5 branches of Azad University in Tehran. The questionnaire used on self steam variable was Rosenberg’s standard questionnaire (1969). The questionnaire used for spirituality and spiritual well-being was Palatino and Ellison questionnaire (1982), and Diner’s and et al SLWLS was implemented for life satisfaction (1985). Hope variable questionnaire related to Schneider et al (1991) and religiosity variable of Golzari (2001) were selected. According to tests conducted in the Lisrel software and their results it was found that in the confidence interval equal with 95%, hope (0.84) and self-steam (0.73)variables have positive and significant relationship with life satisfaction. Meanwhile, what made these students more satisfied was their hopefulness (comparing to self-steam). Also, both hope and self- steam variables play the role of mediator variable in relation to spirituality and satisfaction which the role of hopefulness was stronger than self-steam. Regarding to religiosity variable this is similar to spirituality variable too. However, regarding to social- economic situation, self steam variable has a higher position than hope variable.Downloads
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Predict Life Satisfaction Based on the Positive – Oriented Psychology Structure between Students of Islamic Azad University of Tehran: A Structural Equation Model. (2014). Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 5(20), 3070.