The Didactics Of Multilingualism – Intercultural-


  • Florinda Tarusha
  • Valentina Haxhiymeri


The didactics of multilingualism is a relatively new concept in the European and global language teaching. The didactics of multilingualism is based on completely new principles: Languages are not taught in isolation, but taught and learned interdependently. Rather, at every opportunity connections between the languages are produced. To help the children learn and at the same time to reflect on language and culture and to uncover relationships. This requires a close cooperation of the teachers themselves. The topics in the classroom should be familiar to the reality of children and meet their interests. The teaching of contents and materials must take into account the intercultural approach.

DOI: 10.5901/mjss.2014.v5n19p524


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How to Cite

The Didactics Of Multilingualism – Intercultural-. (2014). Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 5(19), 524.