An Infrastructure Factor in Regional Competitiveness
This research deals with the role of infrastructure in the development of sustainable and competitive development of the territorial, socio-economic system of the region. Individual components of the regional infrastructure and their contribution to the territories’ development are defined. Economic and geographic analysis of the competiveness of the six economic regions in the Republic of Tatarstan is conducted. The analysis is based on comparison of various indicators, which characterize distribution and quality of infrastructure facilities. Spatial habitats with high competitive development potential are defined by further increasing of an agricultural specialization and establishing of vertically and horizontally integrated production structures. They are industrial, economic regions which concentrate the main part of popularity and funds and identify perspective opportunities of economic restructuring. The second group of areas have at most agrarian and industrial specialization, and more often just agrarian as inert sphere of socio- economic space of the region.Downloads
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How to Cite
An Infrastructure Factor in Regional Competitiveness. (2014). Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 5(18), 355.