Public-Private Partnership as Manner to Attract Investments in the Social Sphere


  • E.V. Egorov
  • N.V. Romanova
  • V.V. Tsalikova
  • T.S. Mishakin


The article deals with public-private partnerships as factor in the development of infrastructure industries in the region, also considered the process of evolution of public-private partnership with a historical perspective. Particular attention is paid to the application and use of PPPs in the social sphere. It is well known, the PPP is developing by effective legislation on public-private partnership model agreements with a clear division of obligations, risks and responsibilities of the partners: government and municipal agencies and private companies. The article proves the necessity to create and support a favorable investment and business environment at the federal, regional and local levels. This all is important for developing public-private partnerships in the social sector.

DOI: 10.5901/mjss.2014.v5n18p107


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How to Cite

Public-Private Partnership as Manner to Attract Investments in the Social Sphere. (2014). Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 5(18), 107.